I'm an award-winning business expert that launched Small Seed Consulting in order to help the little guy win.

Hi there! I'm Yosra


You’re in the early stages of your business but know nothing about operations. You know your idea is a money maker but when it comes to understanding how much product to order, how to price your products/services or understanding the strategy to running a successful business behind the scene…. you don’t know where to start.  

You’ve started your business and you’re getting some traction but the truth is, you’re a one-man show. And if you’re keeping it 100% honest, if your business blew up overnight you’d be terrified because you don’t have the structure in place to support scaling to the next level. In order to scale over the next 12 months, you need support.

You have an established business, the money is rolling in but you and your small team aren’t operations professionals. That's why you are 100% sure your business could be more efficient. You’re leaving money on the table and in order to keep climbing, you can’t keep doing things the way you used to.

Does this sound like you?
We Can Help You!

When the small seed becomes the big tree >>>

Nothing compares to the feeling of taking my expertise and helping a small business owner. I know that everything I teach them is evergreen and will guide them as they continue to grow their business or organization.

I found my passion with teaching & serving clients

About Me

✔️    10 years of industry experience in strategy, operations & supply chain
✔️    Taught business concepts at the college level
✔️    Facilitated workshops and worked directly with entrepreneurs to improve their business outcomes
✔️     Experience leading a team and translating requirements + needs to others
✔️     Worked across many different sectors including retail, government and e-commerce
✔️    Strong analytical capabilities



Yosra with group of entrepreneurs & co-facilitators at workshop

You can do anything, but not everything